6 Benefits of Getting a Monthly Facial

Most people don’t understand the benefits that a professional facial can bring. Many women and men wait until they have a skin problem or concern, such as strange pimples, itchy skin, dark spots, etc., to take care of their skin. While these frustrating problems can often be eliminated with proper monthly facials and advice on […]
!6 myths about yoga that you should know

Most people’s idea of yoga movements is a series of inverted poses that are performed in luxurious gyms. But, this stereotype of yoga is not reality. Many people think that yoga is not for them. There are several misconceptions about yoga that you will benefit from if you discard them. According to the Yoga Alliance, […]
?how massage reduces stress

Does massage really work to reduce stress? This is the question of many people who experience more stress and anxiety in different parts of their daily life. So, the answer to this question is yes; Massage is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress, which can have a significant effect on relaxing the […]
!Facts you don’t know about yoga

Yoga asanas are much more than touching your toes or doing stretches. You don’t need to be able to do a certain movement, yoga is accessible to everyone, even if you are overweight. If you are a fan of this, stay with Niloofare Abi, and we will share with you the facts you don’t know about […]
?How does massage help insomnia

What is the effect of massage on insomnia? Does getting a massage really improve the quality of people’s sleep? Quality of sleep is very important for health and well-being. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), insufficient sleep causes some diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and depression. Stay with Niloofare Abi to learn more […]
?What is aromatherapy

Read this article by Niloofare Abi to know more about aromatherapy and its effect on pain relief. Aromatherapy is a treatment Aromatherapy or aromatherapy is a comprehensive treatment in which natural plant extracts are used to promote the health and well-being of people and it is sometimes known as essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy is both an art […]
11 benefits of yoga for your body

The benefits of yoga will amaze you, just stay with Niloofar Abi. Yoga increases the flexibility of the body Flexibility is an important part of physical health. Yoga offers a variety of styles that vary in intensity from intense to moderate and even gentle. Even the lightest styles of yoga increase the flexibility of the body. […]
Vana, Dehradun, India

Vana, Dehradun, India In the foothills of the Indian Himalayas, miles from anywhere, a new resort tipped to become one of the world’s leading wellness retreats has finally opened to guests after an extensive planning and construction process.Vana means forest, and we believe in the nurturing and nourishing qualities of nature. Our 21-acre Retreat is […]
Snail facial

Snail facial The treatment involves a therapist placing snails directly onto the faces of reclining clients and allowing the molluscs to move at random, leaving trails of mucus slime in their wake. The secreted snail mucus is key to the facial, as it reportedly contains a beauty-boosting cocktail of proteins, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid, which […]
Six Senses, Douro Valley, Portugal

Six Senses, Douro valley, Portugal For centuries, Portugal’s Douro Valley has drawn people for its postcard-pretty landscape which includes steep terraced vineyards carved into mountains along the Douro River. The region is located in the North of Portugal.Six Senses Douro Valley presents a superbly renovated 19th-century manor house set high on a hill overlooking the […]