?Can Massage Help Migraine

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What is the best massage for treating migraine? Medication is a common way to prevent and treat migraine, but some research shows that massage therapy can also be helpful for some people. This could be good news for people struggling with the side effects of migraine medications. However, it’s still too early to ditch your migraine medications, as there isn’t much data on this. Currently, massage is not part of the official treatment recommendations for migraines from the American Headache Society. But many small studies show massage can be useful for pain relief. Also, there is research showing that massage therapy can help reduce common migraine triggers, such as stress and sleep problems. Stay with Niloofare Abi, and know more about how massage can help migraine.

?How does massage help migraine

Massage therapy for migraine pain relief is not a new idea. The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) offers a course for members to learn more about migraines and how massage can help. Some prominent doctors also recommend massage therapy to reduce migraine pain. In the following, we take a look at the studies conducted on the effect of massage on the treatment of migraine.

Massage therapy can reduce migraine pain and improve quality of life. In a study conducted in the United States of America on people with migraines, 26 participants were divided into two groups. One group received no massage, while the other received massage twice a week for 5 weeks. The massage group showed the following symptoms:

  • – Much fewer migraine pains
  • – More headache-free days
  • – Fewer sleep problems
  • – A higher level of serotonin hormone (happiness hormone)

In this way, massage therapy can reduce the frequency of migraines and improve sleep. Also, in another study conducted for 13 weeks in New Zealand on 50 people, there were two groups. Both groups completed regular questionnaires about their health and habits. A group of these people received regular massages.

The benefits of massage in the treatment of migraine were clear compared to the other group that did not receive massage:

  • – Fewer migraine pains
  • – Reducing anxiety, heart rate, and cortisol (stress hormone)
  • – Better stress management and coping skills
  • – Improving the quality of sleep to a significant extent

As a result, massage therapy can be as effective as medication to prevent migraines in some cases.

What is the best massage for migraine treatment?

Massage therapy can be very relaxing. The best type of massage for migraines depends on your preferences, triggers, and ultimately how it works for you. Learn more about some of the best massages for treating migraines:

  • – Traditional massage and aromatherapy: Traditional massage helps relieve anxiety and increase relaxation. If you add aromatherapy and essential oils, you may feel better. Research shows that lavender essential oil can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality, as well as reduce migraine symptoms.

Keep in mind that essential oils, which seem natural and safe, can also have a negative effect in some cases. Some of them can cause headaches or other symptoms in people who are sensitive to smells.

  • – Trigger point massage: This type of massage can relieve head and neck pain. Research on the effectiveness of trigger point massage on migraines is limited but promising. One study shows that this type of massage combined with medication is significantly more effective for migraine relief than medication alone.
  • – Reflexology massage: In this type of massage, the therapist applies pressure to different parts of the hand or foot. In this way, by stimulating one part of the body, the healing in another part increases. At the very least, this type of massage can promote a sense of relaxation that will ultimately help relieve migraine pain. Among the benefits of reflexology massage, we can mention more relaxation, improving the quality of sleep, reducing stress, and ultimately reducing pain.
  • – Thai massage: unlike a typical Western massage that is relaxing, Thai massage is hard. Compression, stretching, stretching, and shaking of the muscle are combined in this type of massage. It is also associated with reducing migraine pain. You can consider this type of massage as part of an overall self-care approach to migraine management, but be sure to consult your doctor if it becomes uncomfortable.

Cold or hot stone massage: Massage therapy with cold and hot stones has been used for a long time to relieve pain and discomfort. The heat causes relaxation, which is one of the key benefits of hot stone massage. Studies show that hot stone massage can promote better sleep for a long time. The cold stone massage is also done using cool, lightweight stones that are placed along your face and neck. There are no scientific studies yet on this particular method, but cold has had good results on migraines and other pain relief.

Best time to get a massage for Migraine

A regular massage program can be the best way to reduce migraine pain. According to the AMTA, if you can recognize the onset of migraine pain early, you may be able to prevent a full-blown attack. If your head is throbbing, research shows that massage therapy can stop the pain.

Any well-trained therapist can relax your body and mind by giving you a massage. Therefore, visit a reputable massage center that has the necessary knowledge to treat migraine with a massage.

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