The benefits of yoga will amaze you, just stay with Niloofar Abi.
Yoga increases the flexibility of the body

Flexibility is an important part of physical health. Yoga offers a variety of styles that vary in intensity from intense to moderate and even gentle. Even the lightest styles of yoga increase the flexibility of the body. Yoga is especially useful for improving flexibility in adults 65 years and even older!
Yoga helps reduce stress
Another benefits of yoga for your body in this list is related to stress. reducing stress is the second reason why people do yoga. According to research, yoga is an effective way to reduce stress. physical exercise is only one aspect of yoga. Meditation, breathing, etc, significantly reduce stress and anxiety.
Yoga improves mental health
Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the world. According to a 2017 study that looked at the effect of yoga-based therapies on depressive symptoms, yoga was an effective treatment for depression. Yoga and breathing exercise significantly improve depressive symptoms.
Yoga increases your strength

One of the health benefits of yoga is to increase people’s strength. While most people associate yoga with stretching and flexibility, some types of yoga movements can also be considered invigorating. It just depends on the level of the class, the approach, and the master.
Yoga reduces anxiety
There are several different anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. Sometimes even chronic stress can be classified as an anxiety disorder. Numerous studies show that yoga can be an effective alternative treatment for anxiety disorders.
Yoga improves people’s quality of life
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines the quality of life (QOL) as “a person’s perception of his or her position in life in terms of culture and value system and relation to his or her goals, expectations, standards and concerns.”
Some of the factors that affect the quality of life include relationships, creativity, learning opportunities, health, and material well-being. Researches show, that quality of life is an important factor in people’s longevity. According to a study in 2019, yoga has positive effects on improving the quality of life.
boost your immune system with yoga

Another benefit of yoga is its positive effect on the immune system. Chronic stress negatively affects your immune system. When your safety is compromised, you are more likely to get the disease. However, as mentioned earlier, yoga is considered a scientifically based alternative therapy for stress relief. Some studies have found a clear link between yoga practice and better immune function.
Yoga helps maintain the balance of the body
Balance does not matter only when standing on one foot in a yoga class at Tree Pose. It is also essential for simple daily movements such as picking up something from the floor, reaching for shelves, and going downstairs. Studies show that yoga improves balance and overall performance.
Yoga improves heart function
Breathing in yoga is one of the most important and beneficial aspects of this exercise and can improve the function of several systems in the body. In particular, research shows that the cardiovascular system benefits greatly from controlling the rate of respiration. This research suggests that yoga breathing may actually affect cardiovascular function.
Yoga for better sleep
Another health benefit of yoga is improving sleep quality. When it comes to sleep, researchers look at a person’s ability to fall asleep and how well they stay asleep. Insomnia can affect one or both of these aspects. Yoga improves both the speed of sleep and the depth of it. This is partly due to the effects of exercise, peace of mind, and stress reduction that yoga creates on your body.
Yoga can improve brain function

And one of the best yoga benefits for your body is improving brain function. Yoga movements are actually exercises of the mind and body. Yoga exercises activate areas of the brain that are responsible for motivation, executive function, attention, and nerve flexibility.
Just try yoga!
While much research still needs to be done, because people have not been involved in yoga for a long time, the results are promising. For thousands of years, yoga has had many benefits for people. Many exercises fall into the category of yoga, and most do not involve physical activity; instead, they focus on meditation techniques. Since yoga is not limited to physical activity, it is an exercise that you can do every day. Just find the way that works best for you.